Tag: flapper
Simplest Early Toilet Leak Detection
Simplest Early Toilet Leak Detection Most people don’t realize their toilet leaks water to the drain because it does not leak onto the bathroom floor where it can be noticed. However it does waste water. Mostly likely by the time you realize your toilet leaks, it has already leaked for months at a low frequency…
5 Different Ways To Make Your Toilet Use Less Water
In addition to flushing one tank of water, my experiment showed another 3 liters of water flowed to the overflow tube. I was very surprised to discover this. I will provide a zero cost fix to this problem. I will provide 5 different ways to save on water used in toilet flushing. These techniques are…
Save Water: Convert Toilet into Dual Flush, Best Install, Explanation & Tips
Have you ever wonder how a dual flush toilet works? This is a best video to explain not only how to install but also how it works. The official installation instruction looked easy until my toilet overflow tube was slightly different. I had to chip away some unexpected fins. That is why you need to…