Optimal: Install FLUIDMASTER DUOFLUSH without wasting water | dual flush conversion system

Did you know that if you are not careful, converting a single flush system to a dual flush system could actually waste more water? Using our optimal installation guide, we show you how to measure your water so that you can save the most water. We spent a lot of time on the adjustment because if each person flushes 6 times daily, that is 2000 flushes a year per person.

The installation instructions from the manufacturer aren’t the best. First, it didn’t discuss how to adjust the blue clamp on the refill valve. Second, adjustment for the half flush from this manufacturer may require you to waste too much water before finding the right point on the dial. We provide the optimal Golden Section solution to waste a minimal amount of water while testing.

If you decide to purchase the real dual flush kit, here are couple of links for the products:
for Fluidmaster DUOFLUSH Fluidmaster DUOFLUSH

for Danco Dual Flush: Dual Flush by Danco at Amazon

People who are accustomed to the single flush system may accidentally push the lever down when they intended to half flush. Since liquid waste is more frequent than solid waste, pushing down the lever by mistake would cause more water waste. In this video we provide one simple solution to swap the half dial and the full dial.
add soy sauce

Since different viewers may have different questions in mind, here are the timestamps so that you can click and skip to the sections you’re interested in:

The Golden Section algorithm description:

Swapping the half dial and the full dial:

Duoflush installation:

Flush valve dial adjustment:

Refill Valve installation:

The blue clamp on the refill valve adjustment:

What to do if the dial adjustment is out of range:

If you have the “dual flush” system from Danco, you can watch this video:
Save Water: Convert Toilet into Dual Flush, Best Install, Explanation & Tips

Golden Section

A few toilet or plumbing related issues can be found below:
Slow Draining: Easy 5 Seconds Toilet Flush Test and Solving the Slow Flush Mystery

5 Different Ways To Make Your Toilet Use Less Water

Toilet siphon effect, when plunger, auger and snake fail:

Big Mystery of the Adjustable Toilet Flapper Solved

5 Ways To Unclog Toilet Using A Garden Hose

How To Unclog Bathroom Sink

How To Unclog Kitchen Sink
adjust blue clamp
